02 Şubat 2021,BULUT MAKİNA , Elevator Vizyon Magazine, All What You Are Looking For is On This Site


Interview with Uygar Karataş, Sales & Marketing Manager of Bulut Machinery 

Uygar Karataş, Sales & Marketing Manager of Bulut Machinery said, “We, as Bulut Machinery, have acted as the solution partner in elevators for our thousands of customers both in Turkey and in forty-four countries of the world. We have accomplished the deliveries of the most challenging projects of our customers with the highest product standards and quality within the shortest time. Despite the pandemic in 2020, we have achieved the deliveries of our customers by endeavoring and working intensively in shifts by taking all sorts of required precautions and measures.” He further stated, “Bulut Machinery adopts the fundamental principle of standing behind our commitment and products under all sorts of conditions and by any means.”

We have then discoursed with Uygar Karataş, Sales & Marketing Manager of Bulut Machinery on the details about Bulut Machinery and the operations thereof. 

Could you please briefly tell us about Bulut Machinery, involved in the sector for long years?
Established by Mustafa BULUT in 1988, Bulut Machinery today offers the most reliable solutions to the projects of many customers in Turkey and overseas through its cutting-edge technology equipment in its factory built on 8,800 square meters. The corporate growth we have achieved by taking firm steps has led to the requirement of expanding our facilities and our manufacturing facility previously located at Orhanlı has been relocated to our new factory in Çayırova, Şekerpınar, we have recently concluded the construction. Today, as Bulut Machinery, have become the solution partner in elevators for our thousands of customers both in Turkey and in 44 countries of the world. We have accomplished the deliveries of the most challenging projects of our customers with the highest product standards and quality within the shortest time. Despite the pandemic in 2020, we have achieved the deliveries of our customers by endeavoring and working intensively in shifts by taking all sorts of required precautions and measures.” He further stated, “Bulut Machinery adopts the fundamental principle of standing behind our commitment and products under all sorts of conditions and by any means.”
Could you please inform us on your product groups and services offered to the sector?
We, as Bulut Machinery, offer an extensive product range consisting of 7 distinct brands pioneering the elevator sector and elevator car, suspensions, weight chassis, machinery chassis, automatic doors, semi-automatic doors entirely manufactured by us.

Besides MB, our own brand of automatic doors, we have been successfully acting as the distributor of Fermator brand. Moreover, we have incorporated the distributorship of Wittur doors as of 2020. We have been collaborating with GMV, among the world's oldest manufacturers of hydraulic elevator components, Sicor, among Europe's largest manufacturers of elevator machinery, and Xinda, a Chinese manufacturer, Sunrise in elevator guide rails and our sister company Aybey Elektronik (Electronics) for the elevator electronic components, offering an extensive range of products to our customers.

We have introduced our own automatic door in 2009 by the name MB, compromising of the initials of our founder to honor him in accordance with the requests and demands received from our most esteemed customers with our deep-rooted fund of knowledge in the business of automatic door distributorship. 

MB Automatic Door Systems are simply the reflection of the quality of the automatic door offered by Bulut Machinery. We have manufactured an extensive variety of sizes ranging from 600 mm to 6000 mm in standard series, thin series, extra thin series and heavy duty-intensive traffic groups. We have perfected our product by combining our expertise in design with the world's largest door-card and motor manufacturer.

Today, our MB brand doors have been operating under all sorts of conditions ranging from residences to factories and business centers in various countries of the world and customers highly satisfied with the product proceed with their commerce. Both the meticulousness in selection of the raw materials and the automation systems preferred in manufacturing processes, MB satisfies the customer requirements and demands in terms of operator and mechanisms. Short lead times and expeditious provision of spare parts are among the substantial advantages of MB door. Moreover, we have initiated the manufacturing of doors resistant to dust and splashing water upon obtaining the “IP 54” certification for our MB doors.

Furthermore, we are in the position to respond to the certified full-package elevator requirements of our customers with gear and non-gear models.

Could you briefly tell us about your machinery park and employment status?
Established in 1988, Bulut Machinery proceeds with its high-quality manufacturing with the cutting-edge technological facilities at its new factory on an area of 8,800 square meters. 
The most substantial resource and asset for us is our personnel, working devotedly with commitment under challenging conditions if required. Therefore, we shall ensure the continuous development of our personnel and shall continue to exercise the entire necessary sensitivity to make each personnel feeling himself/herself as a valuable member of this big family. Today, we manufacture products reflecting the quality of Bulut Machinery at all times with our engineers working with us for ten years in design and our artisans and skilled personnel working with us for more than twenty-five years. We shall continue to endeavor in full compliance with the national and international standards  and legal regulations with the self-assessment system we have established by constantly reviewing such standards and legal regulations. By integrating our philosophy of continuous improvement into the applicable rules of "ISO Management Standards", we shall not leave quality and safety to chance. By emphasizing the significance of systematic work in a manner and mode applicable at the entire levels of our organization, we shall transform this cognizance into a corporate culture accordingly.

How about your R&D and technology endeavors?
We are in possession of a Design Center certified and approved by the Ministry and we have been executing our works and endeavors accordingly. Currently, we have been performing and undertaking many projects we have accomplished and continue to accomplish. Giving an example to these; there are numerous projects such as firefighter (emergency) elevators, elevator designs for buildings with insufficient lift shaft bottom and lift shaft top, diagonal automatic door design for vehicle elevators. In this framework, we have received our type-approval certificates for full-package elevators. First of all, besides the type-approval certificate we received for the projects with engine room, we have also received for the hydraulic and finally the ones for the systems without engine room. Today, we operate to do our best to produce complete solutions for our customers worldwide.

Could you tell us more about your export operations and goals? 
We, as Bulut Machinery have been exporting to 44 countries worldwide. Our figures, increasing constantly each year, have not experienced a fall this year despite of the pandemic and incrementally continued accordingly. Export has become a prominent factor for our corporation to support and reinforce the manufacturing against the bottleneck experienced in our country in the recent years and to ensure foreign exchange inflow to our country. Furthermore, having the ability sell to different regions of the world is a clear indication that the products are of a standard and quality accepted and recognized worldwide. We are a corporation supporting its customers at every stage with its experienced engineering staff. Our goal in the new year is to reach out to more customers located at various regions of the world and expand the Bulut Machinery quality to a wider field of operations. Thus, further increasing and bolstering the ratio of our export figures to our total sales. In other words, our most substantial key goal shall be adding new dynamic business associates to the list of companies in our active export network with the R&D endeavors we have performed, quality products, wide product range, related services we have offered in the post-sales period and the reference of the enterprises with which we have collaborated and endeavored.

Could you please elaborate on the year 2020 under the influence of the pandemic in terms of your corporation and our sector?
Pandemic is a quite a severe and unexpected process having substantial impacts on not only our country but the entire world. We have experienced the fact that rapidly evolving and advancing technology in every possible field becoming destitute and incapable to encounter a virus. However, the rapid spreading of a virus, which is supposed to appear in a city market in China, all over the world is a result of this technology and globalization. Like everyone else, we faced a problem that no one had predicted or even planned before. The pandemic caused negative situations in our country as well as in the world. Every sector in the world is seriously damaged. We, just like everyone else, had to encounter a problem that has not been previously foreseen, expected and planned. The pandemic caused adverse situations in our country as well as in the world. Every sector in the world is severely impacted and suffered.

Many projects in the elevator industry have been stalled or slowed down. Our European suppliers were not able to deliver products for a certain period of time and deliver their products on time. However, we have expediently taken the required precautions and continued our production in a safe working environment. At such times, corporations prefer to work with suppliers they can trust, in both financial and manufacturing terms. Bulut Machinery, with its 32 years of experience, has been worthy of this trust to this very end.

How about your goals, plans and expectations in 2021?
As a top priority, we do hope that 2021 shall be the end of pandemic for the entire humanity. We are embracing a hope to attain environments in which we care able to wander around with peace and comfort and markets are able to operate safely. We, as the entire corporation, have been endeavoring for best offerings with the most exhaustive alternative list and establishing a continues business relationship with our customers instead of a single time contact. We have been intensively endeavoring for introducing new products in product line as well as increasing the technical levels of our products and rendering our products in compliance with the new standards. Furthermore, we shall continue to perform our visits in a more intensive manner to be further active in both domestic markets and overseas markets in terms of sales and marketing.