01 Şubat 2021,CERSAN ASANSÖR, Elevator Vizyon Magazine, All What You Are Looking For is On This Site


We talked about the industry and Cersan Elevator with Erdinç Yılmaz, the CEO of Cersan Elevator.

When was Cersan established?

We established Cersan Elevator in 1994. In fact, Cersan was established as “Cersan Electronics Research Laboratory” in the beginning and during that period, the first electronical control panel was developed in Turkey. It was 1986. It was a superior product compared to the technological opportunities we had at that time. Then, we focused on elevators and since 1994, we have been carrying out maintenance, repair, modernization and assembly activities on elevators and escalators.

Cersan has branches in Azerbaijan and Ukraine. You have led the way in qualified elevators particularly in Azerbaijan. What would you like to say about this?

Yes, we – as Cersan Elevator - are a company caring about the international markets, in deed. For this purpose, we started doing business first in Azerbaijan, then in Ukraine.

Starting with Azerbaijan, how long has it been since you got into the market? What is your market share?

Since 2007, we have been a registered company for carrying out maintenance, repair, assembly and licensing up of elevators in Azerbaijan, and we are the only Turkish company in Azerbaijan, under the brand “Cersan Elevator”, having the entire certificates related to elevators.

You carried out qualified elevator projects in Azerbaijan. Cersan is a trusted Turkish company in Azerbaijan within the scope of qualified projects. What would you like to say about this?

We are a strong company in Azerbaijan and almost the most-wanted elevator brand with our references and solutions. We completed the elevator system for one of the biggest projects in Azerbaijan. It’s been 10 years for the elevator we established in a 310 meters of TV tower, with a speed of 4m/s, which did not go under even a single maintenance process; yes, you heard me right. “10 years with no maintenance”. Neither Cersan nor any other company carries out maintenance. It works just fine. There have been minor failures in the past, and we intervened & solved the problem, that’s it. In Azerbaijan, you’re known for both the good sides of your work and the bad sides, as well. This projects, which we successfully completed, was heard by the entire country and they are quite satisfied. We also completed a number of large-scale projects in Azerbaijan, apart from the TV Tower. In all critical points, we provide elevators, like Haydar Aliyev Cultural Center: 8 tonnes, 35 cm of pit bottom, top floor height of 3.80 meters, but with an elevator cage of 3.50 meters. Additionally, we do have a 39 meters and 5 tonnes of service elevator, all of which are used in governmental buildings. We provided two dome elevators, used directly by the commander in chief in the Border Command. We also provided a dome elevator for Olympics Committee. We started to carry out mansion and residence projects in this year, which require custom designs, as well.

Would you like to talk about the activities you carried out in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, as in Azerbaijan, Cersan is a brand, completed the entire required procedures for carrying out maintenance, production, assembly and repair works, having all the certificates related to elevator.

Once we enter into the market of a country, our vision cannot be described as this: “profit is the priority, then comes the investment”.  We have a 1.000 square meters of material warehouse in Ukraine. For target markets, we complete the respective certification procedures at first, along with the bureaucratic transactions, then starting to do business actively. 

As a matter of fact, we succeeded in a substantially serious projects in Ukraine between 2008 – 2010. We discontinued the projects due to the economic depression in the country at that time. But now, it’s been about one year since we re-started the business activities in Kiev headquarters. We sell spare parts for a large variety of brands in the industry of elevator. We supply components for the largest companies in Ukraine, and all the products we sell in Ukraine is made in Turkey. The only foreign brand we sell is in the door group.

We keep proceeding in the journey we started in the elevator market of Ukraine, by activating the structure of our company after receiving many requests on maintenance – repair and assembly works.

Lastly, what are the new projects and aims of Cersan for the future?

As Cersan, we plan on entering into the “maritime” sector, making elevator projects for vessels, which are manufactured by companies doing business in maritime sector.  We also plan on spending most of our work-time on this sector. We already started the works on receiving the “maritime” certificate with regards to elevators. We will be in a quite harsh period, since the certificates, which require appalling conditions, are not easy to be obtained. But still, we will keep being ambitious in the industry. As you know, there is a large gap in this specific sector across the world.

Are you in any “marine” project currently?

Yes, we are. We entered into an agreement for 5 elevators within the same vessel. Negotiations for another vessel, which is in the same dockyard, are in progress.

Our aim is to become a wanted-brand in marine sector by 2019-2020. Currently, we are providing our services for passenger ships, but in the future, we will also provide the same for Cargo ships, tankers. As much as it sounds challenging, it is also quite joyous. Elevator industry will be an area of engineering practices.