Devrim Gecegezer, General Manager of Gen Elektromekanik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. (GENEMEK), providing services in the elevator sector with many byproducts such as car operating panels, call buttons, LCD screen, sliding digital and 7-segment displays, controlled access systems, ready-made installation systems, explained GENEMEK's export activities for 2020 and their forecast for 2021.
Devrim Gecegezer, the General Manager stated that there was an increase in the export activities of GENEMEK in 2020 and the demands especially from Europe increased.
Regarding the effect of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates on exports, he said; ‘‘The economy likes stability and ups and downs cause all kinds of damages. The problem is not that the high exchange rates, it is the production in our country which is worthlessness. The goal should be to produce products with high added value. We should focus on ‘How do I produce better?’ instead of parity or exchange rate. ‘’ By expressing that they felt the weight of their quality and technological superiority more dominantly for the year 2021, Gecegezer continued his words as follows; ‘‘In the upcoming period, we are targeting developed countries that are interested in our new product lines and technological differences. When we compare this year's company data with the same period of the previous year, we think that the acceleration in export growth shall increase even more in 2021. The increase in elevator system manufacturers and the efforts of medium-sized companies for growth is an important development for our sector. In order for our export activities to continue increasingly in a healthy way, the political obstacles in front of Turkey’s rise to the level of developed countries must be overcome. In addition, it is also important that every manufacturer in our country does not produce a product below a certain quality level and targets an economic product rather than a price. Finally, I wish everyone a healthy life. For 2020, I would like to say, 'May God forbid from the worse.'’’