"We are proud to be selected as the corporation recording the most exports for the year 2020 in the category of "Elevators and Components" by the Machinery and Components Exporters' Association.
We, as Has Asansör, celebrate the 41st Anniversary of our establishment. Together with the values we adopt, we have become and shall continue to be a pioneering organization that directs the exports of Turkey with our “HAS” brand elevators that we send all over the world today.
Acting with our strong and innovative understanding of production and our valuable employees, we are progressing by crowning our successes, while overcoming the difficult global pandemic that we are in and hope to get over as soon as possible.
As you remember, while the borders are closing during the challenging pandemic process within 2020, we are concluding the year as the biggest in the UK, thanks to our strong risk management, and we continue to contribute to our country's economy in the elevator sector with our financial strength and our preparedness for the crises that have already occurred or may occur in 2021.
While sharing the success we achieved, the values we believe in with our esteemed business partners, we shall continue to write new success stories by continuing to export the first Turkish elevators to different parts of the world with our Has Asansör family in 2021.
At this point, I would like to share the words of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: "A leader does not merely lead or instructs the followers but to guide them."
Our aim is not only to introduce Has Asansör products abroad, but also to increase the quality of Turkey's elevator production, which in line with our goal, we established Turkey's first Elevator Vocational High School in 2008. With this, we took the first step in improving the quality of Turkish elevators above a certain level, which was one of the goals of increasing the quality and name of the Turkish elevator in markets by bringing innovative and reformist products to the elevator sector with our R&D center, which we established in 2016.
With our principles of creativity, excellence, quality and sustainability, we shall continue to add a new one to our existing and future projects to always deliver the best for our customers, our country and our sector, and introduce the Turkish elevator to different markets and open the doors to markets.
As Has Asansör, we have an organization focused on customer satisfaction and quality, and we are constantly updating our technology and machinery, and we are constantly thinking about more and developing together with our valuable employees and engineer staff about how we can reach faster technology and better. We serve the world elevator sector by accurately analyzing customer needs and always updating their products and services.
Has Asansör, continuing its operations in its integrated 17.500-square-meter facility in Bursa, has expanded its global supply network to its customer with its companies named Torreelevator Italy in Italy and Haselevator Bulgaria in Bulgaria. In this way, the corporation offers the highest quality and cost-effective elevator systems to its customers.
With our approach that unites Turkey elevator sector with the world, and with the happiness of accomplishing our goals, we continue to confidently proceed towards our path. I would like to thank our esteemed customers who have accompanied us on our path, as well as our business partners, managers, and our entire colleagues."
We are proud of being the company that exports the most in 2020 in the category of “Elevators and Accessories” of the Machinery and Accessories Exporters’ Association.
Deputy General Manager