We spoke with Aselsis Endüstriyel Elektronik software development manager Mr. Mehmet Hayti about Aselsis and its product range. Mr. Hayti said that the company is developing hardware and software for the digitalization needs of the industry using the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. He said: "Aselsis focuses on providing technical support. We are working hard to keep our customers focused on technical support and increase their satisfaction with the service. Another priority and distinguishing feature that we focus on is the warranty. Aselsis products are covered by a 2-year warranty, even if the product fails by mistake of the user, it is still subject to replacement at the expense of the company.
Mr. Mehmet Haytı also mentioned;
Aselsis is developing hardware and software for the industry’s digitalization needs using technology from the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The company operates both in Turkey and abroad, mainly in Europe. In addition to hardware and software products such as Aselfon, Aselbit, Aselcode, Aselkid and Aselmind, Aselsis also offers technical services.
Aselfon and Aselmind products are a bidirectional communication system and elevator management program. In addition, Aselkid’s mobile offering has been specifically designed to assist in the supervision of children and people that are in need of nursing. Aselbit devices are designed to send technical failure reports and other information to the cloud and increase equipment performance regardless of industry. Aselcode is a program that provides the exchange of all R&D activities, knowledge and experience before between university students and educational institutions and increases the effectiveness of their training. Aselcode is one of the most important developments of the company. The exchange of information between qualified professionals is our first priority.
One of the most popular products of the company is Aselfon, presented in three models. The M6 model is easily mounted to the elevator using three elevator cables. In addition to a bidirectional communication system, the M7 is a system that can read all analog elevator failure notifications. M8 is a communication system that works with two cables. All our devices have a high level of sound and quality, regardless of model.
We export to most of our products to Germany. What is of great importance to us is the participation in the Interlift exhibition and the establishment of direct connections. We are rapidly expanding our presence in Germany and concluding dealer cooperation and sales partnership agreements. The increase in export performance allows us to establish a more favorable pricing policy in Turkey. We have created a marketing team that will work in other European countries besides Germany, therefore, within 1 year we expect to become one of the most well-known companies in Europe."