18 Nisan 2024,Löher has high expectations for 2024, Elevator Vizyon Magazine, All What You Are Looking For is On This Site

Löher has high expectations for 2024

Hello Mr. Mustafa. How was your export performance in 2023, did you reach your export targets? Can you share your 2024 expectations or targets?

Hello Mr. Mustafa. We reached our 2023 export targets and even managed to exceed them slightly. Our expectations for 2024 are quite high. We anticipate that we will increase our export performance by more than 25 percent with both the Löher effect and our increasing partnership relations around the world.

In your 2023 export activities, did you need to make special adaptations in the technical specifications or designs of your products to meet the needs of the target markets?

If you do not have the ability to adapt to changing customer expectations and demands, you cannot move forward. In 2023, the best example of this is our Helipad elevator, which we designed and manufactured for a German customer.

How much do you invest in your company's R&D and innovation activities in order to ensure differentiation and competitive advantage in global markets? What are the tangible effects of these investments on the product development process and your export performance?

To be honest, due to our restructuring activities during the process of incorporating Avelice and Löher brands into Meteor, we could not make the progress we wanted in our R&D and innovation activities. However, with 2024, we will make a difference with our solutions adapted to different needs, especially Home Lift, Helipad and disabled elevators.

What are the effects of the European Green Deal and related regulations on your company's production and export activities, and how do they affect your market choices and targets?

We closely follow the regulations related to the European Green Deal (EGC). Within the framework of the circular economy action plan we prepared jointly with our consultants on the subject, we are taking various steps on clean energy, reducing our carbon footprint, technological transformation and sustainability. As one of the first steps, we are designing GES installations on the roofs of our factories.

However, since the regulations related to the CCM are policies that should be embraced not only by us but also by our business partners, we think that unless a total action plan is implemented on this issue, we may face an outcome that will increase our export costs, especially in the EU market, and affect our competitiveness increasingly over time. Such as the EU Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism.

In recent years, while many steps have been taken for the green industry worldwide, many policies in Turkey have been implemented in 2023. As a company, how do you plan to integrate sustainability and environmentally friendly practices into the elevator production process in 2024 within the framework of Turkey's green industrial policies?

You know very well that it is of great importance that such policies turn into action plans and ultimately into action. Therefore, it is our primary responsibility as a company to adapt to this process within the framework of the principles determined by the Ministry of Trade. As we mentioned when answering your previous question, we are realizing the projects we have developed on these issues one by one.

How do investments in green technologies affect the competitiveness of your products in the European market?

Even if not as much as in the textile sector, companies in our sector will be more competitive and preferable with their investments in green technologies within the scope of the EU's circular and sustainable industrial policies in the coming period.

How did the fluctuations in global supply chain management and difficulties in procurement processes affect your company's production and export operations? What are the strategies you have implemented against these challenges?

The dynamics of the pandemic process have brought us great experiences. Regional wars, tensions and economic problems will always continue to affect global supply chain management. The struggle with challenges will never end. Our most prominent capabilities in this struggle are our financial strength, flexibility and adaptability.

Finally, what is your company's vision for the next 10 years in the elevator industry? What are the key strategies you have identified to achieve this vision?

The vision of our company in the next 10 years is to become one of the global companies in the sector by increasing our adaptability to competition. Our driving force for this is our qualified human resources, financial strength and high entrepreneurial spirit.