Ömer Çakmak, the founder of Özbeşler Asansör said that their company is acting with a principle of ‘high quality, fair price and longevity’ with an export of %50 of their production.
Çakmak stated that since the company’s beginnings, it has renewed itself with investments and reached a near %100 growth rate with improvements of %30 to their machine park.
Özbeşler Machine Industry, which was started in a small workshop in Erzurum’s Horasan district has reached a structure that exports %50 of its production to countries like Russia, Egypt, Greece, and Iran after its entrance to the lift sector in 2004.
Özbeşler Machines which founded by Ömer Çakmak in the year 1985, in their first years, they have provided for the agriculture sector in Erzurum and neighboring provinces. In the middle of the year 2000, Çakmak tells us that they have provided services for auto spare part sector in Bursa and met with lift sector in 2004.
Çakmak expresses that since the day they have entered this sector, their activities continued in accordance with cutting edge technology and problems solving sense. He also adds: “As Özbeşler, we still provide services in automotive sector in Erzurum and we also continue our activities in Bursa in lift sector. With the information given by Çakmak, their activities are done in a 6.500 square meters factory. Özbeşler Machine is manufacturing polyurethane bumper, sliding brake, brakes with bumper effect, one way hydraulic lift brake, speed regulator, hydraulic bumper, grease box, skate end plastic, shock absorber sheet metal skate, cast skate, elevator control panels, lift cage and automatic doors.
Çakmak explains that their aim is to manufacture quality products and have a constantly rising selling graph while adding that they are working hard in order to reach these aims.
As the company, a great emphasis on automatic door manufacturing has been put, Çakmak underlines and continues that they are still looking for continued growth in an economy where consequences are getting heavier day by day.