12 Ekim 2024,Pakize Kuşku As HAS Asansör, we aim to be the leader in every market where there is a need for elevators, Elevator Vizyon Magazine, All What You Are Looking For is On This Site

Pakize Kuşku As HAS Asansör, we aim to be the leader in every market where there is a need for elevators

“HAS Asansör, Turkey's first elevator company established with 100 percent domestic capital, has been a pioneer in the sector since the day it was founded. Our company continues to offer its customers the fastest, most economical elevator solutions that comply with current standards. We stand out with our expert engineer staff and innovative solutions in the sector despite the increasing competition.” said Pakize Kuşku, CEO of HAS Asansör, noting that HAS Asansör has developed solutions that provide ease of installation supported by detailed drawings and special solutions for narrow or inappropriate shaft dimensions.

Pakize Kuşku said, “With the aim of continuously improving our production line and employees, we are renewing our machine park and increasing our production capacity. Our aim is to offer the most optimal solutions to our customers.” She added that thanks to their wide product range, they appeal to every segment in the sector by offering solutions suitable for different needs and demands.

-We adopt an export-oriented sales policy and carefully evaluate the demands from around the world

HAS Asansör CEO Pakize Kuşku said that the company adopts an export-oriented sales policy and carefully evaluates the demands from around the world. Noting that they carry out a joint work with engineering teams and sales departments by taking advantage of both past experiences and new potential projects, Kuşku said, “In this process, we comprehensively analyze the demands and dynamics of the target market. Our analysis includes competitors' projects, building analysis reports, traffic analysis and current standards. In addition, where possible, we contact the engineering chambers and academic associations of the relevant country and take the necessary actions quickly. Component selection and elevator design are optimized in line with market analysis to provide the most appropriate and effective solutions for each project.

-HAS Elevator aims to be the leader in every market where there is a need for elevators

“Aiming to be a leader in every market where there is a need for elevators, our company continues to work meticulously to have a say in all potential markets. Our marketing and sales departments comprehensively analyze the needs of the market and adapt the design, production and quality processes in the most appropriate way to customer demands.” said Pakize Kuşku, CEO of HAS Asansör. ”Our marketing and sales teams actively visit fairs and conduct online meetings in order to continuously improve themselves in the market and gain competitive advantage. These interactions allow us to both understand current market dynamics and evaluate new opportunities. Furthermore, by developing strategies specific to each market, we continuously optimize our design, production and quality processes to best meet customer demands. Thus, we aim to provide high standards of service in global markets and reinforce our leading position in the sector.”

- HAS Asansör, a pioneer in its sector, continues to maintain its sector leadership and its place in the list of the top 1000 exporter companies

Noting that HAS Asansör has come to the forefront with better production, quality service, trust and 24/7 technical service with the goal of reaching new markets every day without slowing down its international sales, which started in the early 2000s, HAS Asansör CEO Pakize Kuşku said, “We continue to lead the sector by making the policies we have determined in order to reach our goal sustainable. HAS Elevator has switched to a professional management approach as of 2018. Since 2018, HAS Elevator has been entitled to be included in 'Turkey's top 1000 exporter companies' list since 2019 with the effective system and management I have established with the CEO position I have held since 2018.”

It was noted that the policies designed by HAS Asansör CEO Pakize Kuşku and her team, such as the accurate analysis of target markets, customer-oriented sales strategies, the application of innovative and technological developments to the production process, and the improvement of the quality process and after-sales services, have been an important factor in HAS Asansör's increasing success every year. Pakize Kuşku has an important role in maintaining Has Asansör's position in the list of the top 1000 exporter companies with her sustainable efforts both inside and outside the company.