Russian Elevator Week - 2019: New trends of the lift industry
The key event of the lift industry in Russia and EAEU countries - International Exhibition of Elevators and Elevator Equipment Russian Elevator Week (REW) will take place in June 26-28, 2019 in Pavilion 75 at VDNH area. Organizers of the exhibition are JSC VDNH and Nation Lift Union.
Russian Elevator Week is the country’s leading specialized event aimed at the development of the elevator industry and the lifting and transporting equipment sector. The exhibition is a large-scale communication platform that unites all participants of the industry market: manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and components, dealers of spare parts, specialists of installation and service organizations, architects and designers of urban buildings and industrial facilities, specialists of the town planning complex and housing and utilities sector, representatives of scientific society, investment and development companies.
The event traditionally will be held at The Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (VDNH), which is one of the oldest exhibition areas in the world. Founded in 1939, it is considered to be not only the central exhibition venue of Russia, but also an open-air museum. 49 objects of VDNH are located on a territory of 520 hectares and recognized as monuments of cultural heritage.
This year during three days of Russian Elevator Week exhibition will be presented large-scale exposition with a wide range of lifting and transporting equipment: lifts of all types, escalators, moving sidewalks, lifts for persons with disabilities, spare parts and components, automation and dispatching systems and also everything for producing, assembling and service of hoisting devices.
The largest foreign companies from more than 15 countries of the world will demonstrate their new products. Among participants such industry leaders as Kleemann, Fermator, Giovenzana, Doppler, Orona, Canny, DIAO, AH&MET Asansor. Among leading Russian manufacturers are Karacharovskiy mechanical plant, Scherbinka elevator plant, Evroliftmash, Chelyabinsky elevator plant “Witchel”, “En-El”, “Transenergo”. Participants from Korea and China will present their national collective expositions.
All visitors will have great opportunity to get full overview of the elevator market, learn about the potential development of the industry, get information about the latest trends, share experiences, expand the circle of potential partners, evaluate the latest Russian and foreign developments in the field of elevator engineering, test demo samples of elevators and lifting equipment.
In the framework of REW highly topical business programme will be organized. The guests of the event will have an opportunity to take part in conferences, discussions, round tables and seminars dedicated to current industry problems and issues. Among key topics are:
• Safety of elevators.
• Creating conditions for updating of lift fund in country.
• Forming of a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities.
• Equipment certification in the Russian market.
• State programs for the industry support.
• Dispatching.
In addition to business activities participants will be able to take part in competition program and demonstrate the best achievements and developments in the lift industry.
Russian Elevator Week exhibition is supported by state authorities and industry associations and organizations.
We will be glad to see you among participants and guests of the main event in the elevator industry in Russia and EAEU countries. See you at Russian Elevator Week-2019!
June 26 – 28, Russia, Moscow, VDNH, pavilion №75
Official exhibition website: www.lift.vdnh.ru