01 Şubat 2021,“SOUTH AMERICA IS THE PERFECT MARKET FOR THE PRODUCTS OF ZORLU ASANSÖR”, Elevator Vizyon Magazine, All What You Are Looking For is On This Site


Ali Rıza Akgül, as the Plant Manager of Zorlu Asansör, talked about the exhibition and their objectives, after attending in Expo Elevador 2018, which was held in Brazil – Sao Paulo.

Ali Rıza Akgül noted that the Expo Elevador 2018 is the only exhibition of elevator equipment on the South American continent, which makes it quite energetic. He said: "The Expo Elevador 2018 exhibition is held in Sao Paulo, a city located in the heart of South America, so it is visited by a large number of guests from all around the continent. We believe that we have the opportunity to get a share in the local market because we can export our products that are not manufactured in Brazil. In addition, we recognized a gap in th e market for elevator cage manufacturers. We can say that Turkish cage manufacturers have the change to get a share of the local market here. "

The goal of attending the exhibition was detailed by Ali Rıza Akgül as follows: "Our products are already directly or indirectly sold to 65 countries of the world. We took part in the exhibition at Expo Elevador 2018 because we know that the South America region is a promising direction from - due to insufficient domestic production, in connection with which a large amount of imported goods comes in. At the exhibition we presented the slip safety system (parachute brake), a speed regulator, a hydraulic buffer, elevator door rollers, magnet opening doors, locks, cabin rollers and lubricants. "

Mr. Akgül noted that the exhibition visitors know little about “Turkish products”, however some Turkish companies that recently entered the Brazilian market managed to make a worthy competition to the Chinese products that had firmly settled here.

"We found that the South American market is quite large and promising in terms of business," said Mr. Akgül. "To us, this market can become advantageous markets due to the lack of large-scale production, a limited range of products and high dependence on imports. The disadvantage of this direction is that the delivery of products can take up to 50-55 days, along with high tax rates in the region. "