Turkey has become an important production and distribution center with its large population of 83 million with an average age of 31, a dynamic entrepreneurial class, and an advantageous geographical location as a bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa.
Turkey positions itself at a high point in the global supply chain by offering logistics advantages, low labor costs and flexible production possibilities. It aims to increase the share of production in GDP from 16.5% for the last ten years to 21% by 2023 with its Industry and Technology Strategy.
Advanced production technologies are increasingly being applied throughout Turkey, especially international companies. The early adaptive industries are the automotive and aerospace sectors dominated by large international companies with many local suppliers, both of which must meet the latest standards and technological requirements.
In addition, consumer durables, electronics, chemicals, machinery, steel, construction, textile, energy and mining sectors are focused on applying advanced production technologies to remain competitive.
In 2019, the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology announced Turkey's 2023 Industry and Technology Strategy “National Technology Move” detailing the roadmap and incentives for R&D and digital transformation of industrial enterprises.
According to this new roadmap, investments in more than 300 product groups in the machinery, semiconductor, aerospace, defense, transportation technology, software, electronics, chemistry and pharmaceutical sectors will be supported. Artificial intelligence, 5G, data analytics, blockchain, robotics, to name a few.
Incentives will be provided for the development of new technologies including UAVs, biotechnology, nanotechnology, cybersecurity, additive manufacturing, quantum computing, agricultural technology and energy technologies.
Digital Transformation Centers piloting new technologies will be established within the organized industrial zones and technology development zones (technoparks).
Turkey has access to EU Horizon2020 Industry 4.0 funds due to the Customs Union and EU membership negotiations with the European Union.
Turkey Informatics Foundation's 2018 report states that 50% of manufacturers in Turkey plan to invest in industry 4.0 in the next three to five years, 20% still do not have any knowledge/strategy and the remaining 30% indicates that it plans to invest in five to five years.
In a survey conducted by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) in 2018, the technologies that Turkish SMEs consider the most important for their sectors were automation and control systems, advanced robotics and additive manufacturing.
Ministry of Industry and Technology: www.sanayi.gov.tr
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK): www.tubitak.gov.tr/en
Turkish Machinery Federation (MAKFED): www.mib.org.tr/en
Turkish Industrial Automation Association (ENOSAD): www.enosad.org.tr
Turkish Composites Manufacturers Association: www.kompozit.org.tr/en/home