01 Şubat 2021,TURKISH ELEVATOR INDUSTRY, Elevator Vizyon Magazine, All What You Are Looking For is On This Site


Turkish Elevator Industry, as among the leading manufacturers in all over the world, increased its exportation volume by 25% from 81.712.424 $ to 101.359.096 $ compared to 2016.

- Foreign trade surplus in component

Our elevator part & accessory manufacturers achieved another ultimate success in Turkish Elevator Industry with foreign trade surplus of 8.182.659 $ in the component manufacturing. While exporting 101.395.096 $ of components in 2017, 93.176.437 of components were imported by our manufacturers.

- Foreign trade deficit reached to 72.983.394 $ in package elevator.

Foreign trade deficit reached to 72.983.394 $ in package elevator in 2017. Exporting 58.507.910 $ of package elevator in 2017, the importation value reached up to 131.491.304 $. The foreign trade deficit which was 132.249.161 $ (Export: 50.451.927 $, Import: 182.701.088 $), was reduced to 72.983.394 $ with a decrease of 59.265.767 $ in 2017.

- Total Foreign Trade reached up to 394.534.747 $.

The amount of total foreign trade, performed by Turkish Elevator Industry reached up to 394.534.747 $ in 2017. The share of exportation is 159.867.006 $ within the scope of the total foreign trade amount in 2017, while the import share is 224.667.741 $. The total foreign trade amount was 421.076.543 $ in 2016. The export share of this year was equal to 132.164.351 $, while the import amount was 288.912.192 $ within the scope of total foreign trade. It is a clear fact for Turkish Trade Industry as an improvement in the efficiency both in the domestic and foreign markets, considering the reduce in the import share in 2017.

- Increase in the number of facilities and employment

While the number of registered manufacturing companies for elevator parts and elevator assembly was 2.285 in 2016, it increased to 2.988 in 2017. With the administrative personnel employed in the sector, the number of employees increased to 37.270 in 2017 from 20.196 in 2016.

- Increase in the sectorial endorsement

Examining the import and export figures in 2017, the total foreign trade volume is equal to 383 million $, and considering the activity area of Turkish Elevator Industry, the annual endorsement of assembly numbers, certification services, periodical inspection services, part production, maintenance and repair services is about– $, based on the number of constructed buildings. This figure was detected to be 500 million $ for the report in Elevator Industry in 2016.

- Assessment of sectorial production index 

The following information is included in the report under the headline “Assessment of Sectorial Production Index”: In Turkey, approximately 570.000 elevators were established and engaged into service (2016: 500.371 elevators), and the majority of these elevators, which are defined both as used and new, are still being used as of today. 

Making an assessment concerning the elevator assembly within the scope of elevator industry activities, the elevator assembly volume, increasing until 2008, decreased by 2009 due to the global crisis, yet started to increase as of 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2017.

After putting the urban transformation into practice, and following the mandatory practice “Increasing the Safety Level of Existing Elevators” by our Ministry in 2015, critical developments will be experienced in the manufacturing of elevator parts. What matters here is the proper management of a sectorial program, which is not foreign-dependent, yet self-sustaining without importing with the aforementioned project (Increasing the Safety Level of Existing Elevators). This lays a burden on the Turkish elevator industry, yet considering the existing capacity and experience, the success in this process is taken for granted.