01 Şubat 2021,TURKISH ELEVATOR INDUSTRY MET IN IZMİR, Elevator Vizyon Magazine, All What You Are Looking For is On This Site


9th Elevator Symposium and Exhibition organized by Izmir branches of TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (MMO) and Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO) was realized during October 18-20 at Izmir MMO Tepekule Congress and Exhibition Center.

Elevator Symposium and Exhibition organized ninth time this year started with the opening event at MMO Tepekule Congress and Exhibition Center. MMO Izmir Branch’s rhythm society presented a short show at the opening.

In addition to the notice sessions at the 9th Elevator Symposium and Exhibition with the main theme “Design and Technology”; panels, workshops, trainings, and information trainings for primary school students and building managers were organized.

IX. Asansör Sempozyumu’nun paralelinde düzenlenen sergiye de, sektörde faaliyet gösteren 19 kurum ve kuruluş katıldı. Sektörün Türkiye’deki en önemli buluşmalarından biri olarak kabul edilen etkinlik, sektörde faaliyet gösteren sanayicilere, ürünlerini önemli bir platformda değerlendirme ve sergileme fırsatı da sundu. Sergide yer alan kuruluşlar ise şunlardı: Akar Makine, Megadyne Turkey, Mikosis, CE Mühendislik, Konel, Procube, Yeterlift, OPAŞ, Aybey Elektronik, Bulut Makine, Zorlu, Prolift,  Metroplast, Genemek, Nazar Asansör, Asray, Asansör Sanayicileri Federasyonu (ASFED), Asansör ve Yürüyen Merdiven Sanayicileri Derneği (AYSAD), Ege Asansör ve Yürüyen Merdiven Sanayicileri Derneği (EAYSAD), Asansör ve Yürüyen Merdiven Sanayicileri İş Kadınları Derneği (AYSKAD).

At the exhibition organized in parallel to the 9th Elevator Symposium, 19 entities and organizations operating in the industry attended. The event offered the industrialists of the sector the opportunity to evaluate and exhibit the products at this important platform. The entities attended the exhibition are: Akar Makine, Megadyne Turkey, Mikosis, CE Mühendislik, Konel, Procube, Yeterlift, OPAŞ, Aybey Elektronik, Bulut Makine, Zorlu, Prolift,  Metroplast, Genemek, Nazar Asansör, Asray, Elevator Industrialists Association (ASFED), Elevator and Escalator Industrialists Association (AYSAD), Aegean Elevator and Escalator Industrialists Association (EAYSAD), Elevator and Escalator Industrialists Business Women Association (AYSKAD)

9th Elevator Symposium brought leading entities of the industry together in Izmir, hosting 30 declarations in 10 sessions. The rpresentatives of T. R. Ministry of Industry and Technology, Turkish Standards Institute, Turkish Akreditaston Institution, Kartal Municipality, Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO) Izmir Branch, Istanbul Gedik University, Elevator and Escalator Industrialists Association (AYSAD), Mikrolift, Blain Hydraulics GmbH, Genemek, Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Istanbul Arel University, Istanbul Technical University, OHC Lift, Wittur, Yeterlift, Mikosis, Akantel, TEİAŞ, Akdeniz Üniversitesi, S&Q MART Kalite ve Güvenlik A.Ş,, Zorlu Elevator, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Aegean Elevator and Escalator Industrialists Association, Arkel, D Kare Supervision and Certification, Anadolu Teleferik, - Bursa Uludağ University, Has Asansör, Fırat University, GETA, Kayseri University Kayseri Vocational Higher Education School, and Baskent University Technical Sciences Vocational Higher Education School gave their presentations during the event.

Dinner from Genemek, Integra and CE Mühendislik

At the second day of the 9th Elevator Symposium,  the participants and visitors came together at the dinner organized by Genemek, Integra and CE Mühendislik.

The participants relieved the tiredness of the day and the symposium and enjoyed great time at the dinner organized at Meba Fish restaurant at the evening on 19 October, Friday. Mr. Devrim Gecegezer general Manager of Genemek, Mr. Cem Bozdag general Manager of CE Muhendislik, and Mustafa Ucar General Manager of Integra, making a short salutation speeches for the guests chatted with their guests all night.

We followed the Symposium

We have attended the Ninth Izmir Elevator Symposium as we attended all organizations related to the industry.

We followed the 9th Elevator Symposium and Exhibition organized by Izmir branches of TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (MMO) and Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO) realized during October 18-20 at Izmir MMO Tepekule Congress and Exhibition Center for you, our valued readers.